On learning to fly

My colleague made me an aeroplane for my birthday. He’s been away, so I received it yesterday. He explained the technical aspects and showed me how it works. Two days later I still haven’t managed to actually fly it.. ..which he finds hilarious 🙂 Especially because, way back when, he was in exactly my position. […]

On forgetting my own BlogDay :(

I didn’t write anything yesterday. I went to bed at 7:30 with a headache instead. Yesterday was the 23rd of November 2016. I started writing here on 23rd of November 2012. That means the blog turned 4, and I didn’t even acknowledge it :(. Luckily Claudette came to the rescue and congratulated it for me.. […]

On winning the long way round

I had an idea at the beginning of November. People thought it was good but the people in charge thought we should put it on the back burner for later. For a couple of days it was prodded and stirred. Then it was put aside, to rest and wait for better weather. At some point […]

On breaking the spoon

It’s nearly my birthday, which means it’s mincemeat making month 🙂 Originally I planned to spend Sunday afternoon chopping apples and peeling lemons and squeezing oranges in a yearly tradition of stickiness. Then a phone conversation happened and I ran out of afternoon before I ran out of things to say. When I got home […]

On writing it out

– or “don’t write back in anger” (Written yesterday; I fell asleep in the middle if the last sentence..) Yesterday (Monday) I was mad at a situation involving several people and several opinions. Today (Tuesday), I wrote them all an email. It took me a good part of the morning to get it into something […]

On the news

“The news” (as a whole) keeps telling me that scary things are happening in the world at the moment. I’m not too keen on scary things so I plucked up lots of courage as I walked past the newspaper salesman and risked a passing glance at the headlines on my way to the station. According […]