On new telephones

Once upon a time there was one glasblower, one phone and one number. A little while later, a second glassblower arrived. Shortly after his arrival, there was a small argument resulting in a second phone and a second number. Time passed. Last year, I strolled onto the scene and used the first phone without so […]

On Birthdays and Blorthdays

Go and visit Claudette. She’s one of my bestest blog-friends, and it’s her birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAUDETTE! :)). Also, my blog is 3 years old. And it was my birthday on Friday. So. Everything points to having a Blorthday Party. I’m not really sure how Blorthday Parties work, so you’ll have to help me […]

On having a bath with a fridge

While we changed the worktops in the kitchen, the fridge was banished to the bathroom, where we danced round it, trying not to get any of the decades worth of dusty grease on our clothes in passing. In the end, DB had a bath while I bathed (= scrubbed) the fridge ;). Both looked and […]

On rolling trees

This is a very small pile of enormous chunks of tree: The pile behind the house is a LOT bigger. We rolled, heaved and wheelbarrowed it all into a huge heap. I was probably not as much help as I could have been, because I stopped to look at the ivy, And the rings, and […]

On illogical guilt

Can someone please explain why my brain feels the need to produce guilty-conscience-feelings for vacuuming so noisily during 5 minutes of DB’s TV programme (which he was dozing through anyway), whereas his is perfectly content to relax so lazily through my cleaning??? It’s not as if I mind him lying on the sofa, watching TV […]

On making mincemeat of it – part 1

Every year, I make a load of mincemeat, for myself, my family, and anyone else who wants some. Every year, I make it up as I go along, and no one’s complained yet. This is part 1 of the recipe – insofar as it can be called a recipe – for 2015. *** A word […]