On posting for the sake of posting
🙂 Goodnight people! Sleep well! 🙂
🙂 Goodnight people! Sleep well! 🙂
Go and visit Claudette. She’s one of my bestest blog-friends, and it’s her birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAUDETTE! :)). Also, my blog is 3 years old. And it was my birthday on Friday. So. Everything points to having a Blorthday Party. I’m not really sure how Blorthday Parties work, so you’ll have to help me […]
Can someone please explain why my brain feels the need to produce guilty-conscience-feelings for vacuuming so noisily during 5 minutes of DB’s TV programme (which he was dozing through anyway), whereas his is perfectly content to relax so lazily through my cleaning??? It’s not as if I mind him lying on the sofa, watching TV […]
DB’s parents both tend to talk (to me, and anyone else who’ll listen) at the same time. As a result, I often don’t understand either of them (or at least can’t follow either topic properly). Three simultaneous conversations between the four of us are no rarity. I suppose I should offer a fourth, but I […]
I lugged my suitcase up the steps and onto the train and breathed out – unaware that I’d even been holding my breath.. Looking around, it became apparent that I’d landed in the first class carriage. I would have to wrangle my suitcase and an unwieldy bag of picture frames* through the restaurant car and […]
Argh. Written but somehow not sent last night… *** It’s Sunday. I have been ‘on the road’ since Thursday. That’s 4 days. 4 days isn’t exactly a long time. Not really, in the big scheme of things. But. Thursday certainly seems like a long time ago. I am knackered. I even fell asleep on the […]
I spent a lot of yesterday getting on and off trains. I love the freedom of county tickets and days off – the freedom to do exactly what I want, where I want to do it. 🙂 Each time I realised the current plan wasn’t going to work, I changed it, checking the timetables in […]
Anyone would think that with all this train travel, I’d be able to get something written before crashing out… …apparently not. The meeting went on til gone midnight, and once I’d walked back to the hotel I was too knackered to hold my phone for long enough to finish writing and press send. No sticking […]
It’s gone one am and I’m not asleep yet. I’m at my third AuPair family’s house. I haven’t been here in 8 or 9 years, and it is amazing how much has happened since then, yet how recent my time here seems. It doesn’t feel strained or tense or foreign, it’s more like I’ve been […]
The computer guy at work spent at least three hours updating our computer and connecting us to the main server. The idea behind the hassle is saving time when things go wrong in future – he can fix problems from his office…. It takes less than 5 minutes to walk from his office to my […]
It’s Tuesday. I’ve just got back from 3 days away. I’m going away again on Thursday morning. That leaves me with tomorrow evening to unpack, and repack my bag, maybe attempt to get a load of washing done. That has to be long enough – I’ve done 20 minute turnarounds before…. Now, it’s time for […]
A: “I like bananas, they have such nice yellow skin”. B: “But tomatoes are red! And have seeds”. A: “yes, I do love yellow bananas”. B: “I hate it when I get the seeds stuck in my teeth!” *** About 3 minutes ago, I was sitting in a bar, eavesdropping two people deeply involved in […]
I recently posted this: “There’s a fine line between holding your tongue so as not to hurt other peoples’ feelings, and letting people hurt yours.. I’m too sleepy to be articulate right now, but I’m pretty sure I need to work on finding that line and learning to walk along it.” I thought I’d written, […]
(Pretend this was posted at 22:45 on November 7th – I started writing in bed but fell asleep before I could press ‘post’. As it’s the middle of the night, and not morning yet, I’m going to count it as not missing a day (;)). *** Me: “So, what are we looking for, again?” DB: […]
Awesome stuff. *** DB’s folks came back from their holiday this week*. They are firm believers in bringing back presents. I am apparently difficult to buy I’ve-been-on-holiday presents for. I don’t drink (much), smoke or wear perfume (much). Last time, I got a fridge magnet with very small photos of the island on – like […]