On sleeping in the doghouse

The radio comes on loudly, waking us up the way it does every morning. DB sits up and looks across at the dog (C) we’re looking after, who’s sleeping on the floor next to his side of the bed. DB: (excited) Good morning C! It’s time to get up! Yup yup yup! It really is! […]

On playing Chinese whispers

Some families play scrabble. Some families are less interested in written words and so choose to play Chinese whispers instead. *** DB came home from work really upset the other day. Apparently his father had told him that his (DB’s) mother had said his uncle (C) was in hospital and that his aunt (H) didn’t […]

On early morning yoga

At 8:30 on a Sunday morning, I am about to be picked up for my first Yoga Session. Bearing in mind that it’s early, it’s a weekend and I spent the whole of yesterday digging up the garden and planting trees, I think I must actually be completely mad. Wish me luck.

On choosing

Some people know exactly what they want, what they like. When they have to choose something, anything, they make their choices based on pre-decided ideas.

I am not that person (and this post isn’t really about icecream).

On catfish and other sites

DB says we can’t have a cat. He didn’t say anything about catfish. I now have 18 – and counting πŸ™‚ *** On the grounds that I am liable to become boring for most readers who don’t like fish, I’m going to put future posts about fish onto their own site. Here are some pictures […]


On sight-snoring

I am on the road again. Or more rather on the tracks. Since I’m travelling almost entirely by train. Whatever. It’s a 7 1/2 hour journey from where I live to where I have to be at 7pm. Instead of leaving at midday and making a usual late appearance, I chose an early train so […]

On returning to the land of the seeing

I have been home from holiday for three weeks and I haven’t had the decency to keep you updated with how my eyes are. I’m sorry. *** Here’s the news: I am now the proud owner of a pair of glasses (which I will write about soon). πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I can seeee!!!! *** […]

On bathing twice in one day

I am most definitely not a morning person. DB most definitely is. During the week I have to be dressed, breakfasted and out of the house by 7am (7:10 at the very latest), and DB demands that I eat breakfast with him at least once per weekend which involves being up by just gone 8. […]

On running out of medicine

(From 13th January) This morning I used the last of one of the three remaining eye drops. Oops. (A second bottle wasn’t actually empty, but didn’t gloop much when shaken. It’s difficult to tell how many days worth of drops are left in an opaque 5ml bottle. Double oops.) I’m in a very small seaside […]

On the first cut

“Snip, snip!” I stood in the bathroom, sharp sewing scissors in hand, nervously cutting the air while I worked up enough courage to make a start. I’d spoken to DB, and he’d tried to talk me out of it, but he’d failed. I can be far more consequent than he is when I want to […]

On working with men (and trying to understand them)

IΒ need some help with a problem that’s going round and round in my head. I’d be grateful for insights…. *** Over the last few days I spent several hours working with a retired electrician who’s a friend of DB’s. We planned, installed and wired up the new lighting in DB’s aquarium. We went shopping for […]

On coming home

I flew home* on Saturday. I landed, and was presented with two of my favourite things: Chocolate (which they handed out on the plane as we got off) and Snow (which you can barely see in my blurry photo). Isn’t that awesome? It was even more awesome the next day. Tthere was enough to make […]

On beach parties

Originally, we wanted to spend the day on the beach. We packed a picnic and a bottle of water, swimwear and a couple of towels, and off we went. We got there just after high tide, and the dryest sand was damp. Damp sand never stopped us before so we sat down and ‘set up […]

On royal knackeredness

Happy Three Kings day! πŸ™‚ It doesn’t say where they came from, but it was probably a long way, and I bet they were knackered when they finally reached Bethlehem. Unlike me, who is knackered without excuse. DB and I spent the day driving round the island, stopping whenever it looked interesting. Hardly physically strenuous. […]