On nourishing one’s heritage
Sometimes you just have to 🙂
Sometimes you just have to 🙂
Sometimes all you need is a couple of unplanned hours by yourself in a carpark to phone a friend. 🙂
Dear musicians, band managers and English-lyric writers, Please (PLEASE) help me. I have colleagues who listen to the radio. Even though there are several German bands, most of the music on the radio is currently sung in English. As the only “native-English-speaker” in the place, it’s my job to tell them what’s being sung. I […]
Holes punched on the wrong side of the page and therefore filed upside down.
Papers filed in chronological order, except when they aren’t
Apparently someone’s been counting something…
My bag is in the process of losing a strap, and I am in the process of coming to terms with the fact that I will need to mend it.
I spent a fair bit of the last few days reading my blog from the beginning.. I had forgotten just how much life I could (and apparently did) fit into my days, and still make time to write about it. I miss the old me.
It seems I don’t know how to party. (Especially when I don’t know anyone.)
That’s more embarrassing than I expected.
I have a problem with grinding my teeth.
I missed what happened, I just saw the aftermath – a million (more or less) shiny red hearts. I don’t know why they were there, but it made an otherwise unmemorable platform a little bit more special. Do people get engaged on platforms of busy stations? Married? Set off on their honeymoon? Are some people […]
“You know what? It sounds like you’re a perfectionist…”
Wherever I am, the world comes after me.
It offers me its busyness.
It does not believe that I do not want it.
Isn’t that good?!
Isn’t it also good that I got to a red traffic light in time to catch it 🙂
DB: what time do you want to get up tomorrow? Me: thinks mid-afternoon would be nice. Around 8? DB, half an hour later: I’ve set the alarm for 7. You can sleep in the car.
So….. that was harder than expected. 4 hours is a long time to sit still and listen (never mind learn), especially after a full day at work*. After filling in a million forms and going through the details of what happens when and where, and introducing ourselves, and collecting our textbooks, and filling out yet […]