On the magic in the middle

It doesn’t appear to make any sense. None of it. And yet, afterwards, you can look back and see all the paths and patterns and logical consequences. And it’s kind of beautiful. And strange. And magical. *** *** I’m not there yet, not at the patterns and consequences stage, but I am at a place […]

On curious cats

Curiosity probably didn’t directly kill the cat. It probably just kept it up so late it was too tired to avoid the things that could kill it. Finding things out has to be worth a bit of sleep loss though, right? 🙂 Zzzzzzz

On the difference between days

Yesterday I mended the tip-ex mouse, helped the secretary with some tricky stuff on her computer and maybe taught a year 8 kid some maths (“maybe” because I’m not sure how much stuck.). I feel those are 3 good uses of a day. Today I have nothing of note to mention. I assume I must […]

On having a day off

Sometimes I realise just how much I need to charge my batteries. Today was such a day. Today, I slept late, slept through the afternoon and am going to bed fairly early. I feel this is a good way to spend a day. Not every day, but once in a while. I hope tomorrow will […]

Quote: on coming alive

“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman *** One of my favourite people told me today that she sees me as a “PowerFrau”. That translates literally as “power woman”, but kind of […]

On days without news

Usually, the radio goes on when my colleague gets to work, and goes off when I leave. He can’t stand adverts, so we listen to ‘Deutschland Radio’ and ‘Deutschland Radio Kultur’  which generally makes for a good mixture of news and interesting information about a huge range of topics. Anything from book reviews to current scientific […]

On not being a sword

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat on the edge while she waved her hands about. “…your body wants to flow, you see,” she said, “it’s being held in place at the moment, but it isn’t happy. That’s why you have so many stressed and tightened muscles. You’re more like […]