On potential existence

I am on my way to the embassy. My boyfriend booked – and his mum paid for – a weeks holiday in Lanzarote. It’s something like an Easter present, and something like a ‘You-must-have-a-break-before-you-have-a-breakdown’ mission. Having spent the last year in an unending battle with exams, quitting work, moving house, renovating, decorating, unpacking and furniture […]

On getting a new look

I figured, if I’m not going to exist for the next couple of months, I might as well use the opportunity to play with how I look/feel/act as a kind of dress rehearsal for when I start existing again ;). The first step is appearance. I have just left the hairdressers with my first perm […]

On not existing part 3

I phoned the passport office in the UK and they apparently don’t have the facilities to write an email to say that they’ve got my passport and are working on the new one. They are also unable to tell me how long it will take, the new system’s having a paddy so the 4 weeks […]

On not existing part 2

I’m waiting to talk to the 3rd person about not existing. He’s in a meeting. Ho-hum. I am not really any further than I was before. This is more of a field trip than an investigation. However, I do know that people are more officious the further down the food chain they are.

On holding ones tongue

Holding your tongue until you have something good to say is generally a good idea. Being so full of negativity that you practically explode from not talking, isn’t. Especially if your negativity is toxic enough to radiate into your surroundings. I don’t have a lot of answers or suggestions for you, I just know that […]

On waxing table legs

This is my table. It’s a work in progress at the moment. A couple of years ago a friend saw it sitting forlornly on a pavement, thought of me and rescued it by packing it into her huge van and bringing it over. We fought it up the stairs and that’s where it stayed until […]

On doing things for other people

I’m not actually sure that this applies to anyone else, but it’s something that really bothers me. If you’re going to do something for me, do it because you want to and not in order to tell me about having done it (because,  chances are, I would have done it if you hadn’t got there […]

On Christmas trees and traditions

Most people would probably think of baubles presents or sparkly sweet wrappers if you asked them for a Christmas tree tradition. Some might have a decorating ritual, or a special stand. Some might go out into the forest and cut their own. The DB has his own tradition. The tree hides, or tries to hide, […]

On becoming a famous writer…

( – or being praised and proud of it – ) As most of you know, I made a very complicated, old-fashioned, obsolete pump for my Masterpiece. A couple of months ago the editor of the German Glassblowers Quarterly* appeared at work and asked me to send him a report of how I made it, […]

On winning and losing

I used to cook a lot. When I lived in a shared house I often cooked for everyone. When I lived by myself I lost some of my motivation, but when i cooked, it was with increased creativity and of a more experimental nature. Then I moved here. The DB is more a traditional than […]

On [not] being thankful

Anyone know out there got any ideas on how to be grateful for the ‘nice’ things people do for you, but which you didn’t actually want them to do..? What about for the ‘helpful’ tips they share with you when you really can’t appreciate them..?

On being wet, cold and bad tempered

It rained on the way to the train station. Really hard. Hailed too. I understand that it has to rain sometimes. I know the ground is rock hard. I know the farmers have been practically begging for rain for weeks. That’s all good and logical. I’m all for happy farmers. However. Why can’t it rain […]