On being stood up by a doctor

(or on doctors and DBs – part 1) No. Chew chew chew.  You chew definitely don’t chew chew have an appointment. Chew chew chew chew chew. We stared at the chewing-gum-man in disbelief. Turning slightly, we looked at each other, looked back at the man and shrugged before making our way to the car and […]

On power cuts and paperwork

Yesterday evening I decided to do a couple of loads of washing, and get some more of my paperwork sorted out. I loaded the machine and took an armfull of folders and loose papers downstairs. The DB was watching TV. I’d only just settled down and started spreading papers across the sofa when the lights […]

On jumping over shadows

DB: Sometimes you have to jump over your shadow, you know. We all do. Me (dreamily): in order to jump over your own shadow you need the shadow in front of you. That only works if the light source is behind you. Maybe we should turn round and walk towards the light inste- DB (exasperated, […]

On forced free time

I am a glassblower. I work with hot glass. In order to heat the glass I rely on a steady supply of gas. Methane for anyone interested. Someone in the building where I work is busy building something. I have no idea what it is they’re building, but it’s loud and dusty and resulted in […]

On leaving windows (or not)

I have been given the ‘opportunity’ (read: taken it upon myself) to get rid of XP from the work computers and make them ‘safe’ again*. At work there are 2 computers in use and a 3rd in another room waiting for a cable to connect it to The Internet. None of the staff are especially […]

On invisible productivity

On Saturday DB tidied the garage, set up the beamer for the football match, collected the sun umbrella and more garden chairs from his parents’ house, went shopping and made dinner. In the same time, I read and played with the computer. (I learned about installing and setting up networks with Linux, tested a couple […]

On commuting, phones and free time

I’m back on the train. I have joined the commuting classes – as if there were such a thing – and I’m quite glad about it. Not especially about the ride, but it creates a small space in my day where no one can complain about me ‘playing’ with my phone. No one can be […]

On reading too quickly

I was flicking through my emails when I did a double take and had to go back and check what I’d just read. Turns out clothing companies are more likely to advertise ‘suede’ than ‘suicide’… 🙂

On working with my boyfriend

The DB has an order for 10 glass things due 2 at a time over the next couple of months. The first 2 are due next week. He didn’t want to leave it to the last minute, but it’s a 2-person job and the guy who usually helps him was away last week and doesn’t […]

On feeling instantly more grateful

I’ve been feeling very anti all things beaurocratical for a while now. Mostly because I don’t exist, but also because it seems people don’t have to think if they have a big enough stack of rules to follow, and people who don’t think annoy me. It all worked out in the end and I got […]

On part-time existence

So, I suppose that’s enough suspense now. (I didn’t do it on purpose though, I had lurgy yesterday and wasn’t up to writing.) I am the proud owner of an emergency passport! Whoo!! I can officially go on holiday, and start work, and do all manner of existential things 🙂