On baby fish – part 1

And another one from the draft folder… (late March 2014) *** The DB was given an aquarium a few years ago*. He bought 5 different sorts of fish, some lumpy bits of wood and some fish food and has looked after the fish ever since. Then he met me. He showed me the aquarium and […]

On life, post-Elimination…

So. It’s about time I wrote about what happened. I spent 4 weeks semi-religiously following The Rules, writing down what I ate and waiting for the magic moment when I felt full of energy and free from problems. I also spent an inordinate amount of time upsetting people with my presence. I’m not sure what […]

On my problem with dogs

Dogs are fine. I don’t want one, but I can see the attraction of having it love you devotedly, of going for long walks with it, of snuggling up  with it while reading. In return for those things I could probably put up with the muddy pawprints, with feeding it, with generally looking after it. […]

On surviving organisational failure

This is one of those posts that started life as an email in my rough draft folder and has been added to at irregular intervals since then. I’m going to tart it up a bit and post it so that it gets to see some of the world. The rough draft folder is a bit […]

On friendship and ignoration

Friendship is one of those things that should be easier than it is. Sometimes I think I’ve figured it out, and then BAM! I’ve buggered it up. Or they have. Whichever. It still sucks. And just as we get over whatever problem there was, something else happens. Round and round and round (though not so […]

On art, anniversaries, and playing with poo

Friday was my 6th just-finished-my-aprenticeship leavers-party anniversary. I didn’t exactly celebrate, but I did get DB to take me to a friend’s ‘horse farm’ and load a trailer with 3-yr-old horsepoo. Somehow it seemed fitting. *** The headteacher usually gives the speech at the leavers ceremony on the last day of school. Usually. When my […]

On SatNags and Maps

I wrote this ages ago, but somehow never got round to posting it… *** Last summer, DB and I went on a road trip along the south coast of England in a weird and wonderful VW van. The van is truly wonderful in all sorts of ways, but its weirder habits are a little bit […]

On April mornings and riding into the blue

The view of the sky through the train station windows was of a grey, storm-laden morning. Looking out of the open end of the station was a completely different matter – blue sky and fluffy white clouds… Luckily, the train was going to take me out of the station and into the blue* 🙂 Makes […]

On Eliminating [almost] Everything

Allergies watch out! Prepare for elimination! I am declaring war on my allergies. The problem is, I don’t even know what I’m allergic to any more. It used to be easy. I used to have hayfever and my throat swelled up when I ate cucumber or melon. Admittedly that’s a bit annoying when you live […]

On waiting rooms

What is it about waiting rooms that make them so unlovable?? Someone obviously spent time decorating them. Someone chose furniture and pictures. Someone waters the plants and refills the flyers in the stand. But. Somehow, however hard they try, it never really gets it, whatever ‘it’ is. It would make sense if it was ugly […]

On Mondays, medicines and some navel gazing

New Year, New Habit? No way. Too much work. New Year, New Hobby? Na, I was just getting good at last year’s – better stick with that for a while. *** Mondays have a bad reputation. They don’t seem to care too much about it though, preferring to carry right on with what got them […]