About me

Once upon a time, someone interupted my rant about someone else, with the words, “you do that too!”.

That stung for a while, but it’s proved helpful since then. It makes me stop and check my position before getting stressed about others.

I’m obviously no angel, and don’t expect there to come a point where I am so understanding as to never get pissed off by people being stupid. BUT. I might give people more slack and/or become more picky about what I allow to get to me.

In other news:
* I’m 33

* I work as a [scientific] glassblower.

(<shameless plug> As of November 2017 I am also a tiny bit self-employed. I make molecules and pendants and anything people want really, as long as you can’t smoke with it. Let me know if you’re interested. <end shameless plug>).

* I started my blog on the November 23rd 2012 (the link goes to my first real post).

Welcome to my world.

35 thoughts on “About me

    1. Thank you 🙂

      I’ll try to answer your questions this evening…. (how do you explain to your partner that writing is as important as sowing grass seed, tidying the sitting room and making dinner??)

  1. Long, long ago, I worked in a NJ mall kiosk every Christmas season for four years. The gentleman was a glass blower. He sat on a raised chair and blew glass into swan shapes then we would fill them with colored water and place them on little round mirrors.
    I look forward to checking out your work 🙂
    AnnMarie 🙂

    1. Cool 🙂 How did you seal them after adding the water?

      I don’t think I’ve ever made a swan and definitely never filled one with water!

      I haven’t got many pictures up unfortunately, I will have to do something about that. (For any long term readers reading this, I am aware I’ve said that before… I really do mean to… One day.)

      Welcome to my world 🙂

      1. That was the problem, they were never sealed. The swans sat pretty atop their little mirrors and one had to be careful not to spill – perhaps people were better balanced in the 70’s 🙂
        I’d love to see some of your work. My mother-in-law is a stained glass artist from way back. Her windows are all over the country.
        AnnMarie 🙂

  2. You have an interesting blog here. Read a few articles, and they show beautiful penmanship. Though your about page, leaves much to be known, but it’s a beautiful blog nonetheless.
    Thankyou for stopping by my blog, appreciating a post, and a comment, that made my day. Thankyou! 🙂
    Happy Blogging!

    1. 🙂 means we’re both not famous enough for the 27 club 🙂

      Just over 9 years, plus a bit where I worked with flat glass (stained glass), so not long enough to be really good. They have a saying here:
      The first 10 years, the glass does what it wants. The second 10 years you force the glass to do what you want. The third 10 years you learn to work together. Then, and only then, you have a chance to become a good glassblower….

      1. There’s something very beautiful about that saying. Although, it also makes working with glass sound rather intimidating. 🙂

        I’m not very familiar with artists who work with glass but there are two Chihuly museums near where I live, and those are stunning.

    1. 🙂 That would be your fault for writing such readable things! 😉 You’re in my reader now, so I will probably read everything, even if I don’t show up in your stats….
      Welcome to my world 🙂

  3. So…there’s this thing called The Entertainer Blogger Award that I nominated you for here:


    Even if you decide not to “follow the rules” for the award (you rebel!) I just want you to know that I respect you and what you write on your blog.

    Just so you don’t think I’m trying to con you into reading my blog against your wishes, I’m copying what I wrote about you there below:

    Jesska of not throwing stones–This real, honest to goodness glassblower always has a unique take on life. Reading her blog has improved my (German) vocabulary.

    Thanks for what you do.

    1. Awwww! Thankyou 🙂 I’m awful at Blog-Awards, but I appreciate you nominating me 🙂 Maybe I’ll do a generic Blog-Award acceptance post soon. Maybe.. 😉
      In other news, you need to know I read your blog even when you don’t post links on my about page 😉 it happens very much with and not against my wishes…

  4. Thank you for the welcome to your world. I came via Owen’s “No talent for certainty”. I’m a bit older than my picture would have you believe (but if I change the picture that statement will, of course, be highly confusing in future). I’m thinking too much. I tend to do that!

    1. 🙂 You’re welcome to the welcome 🙂
      I wouldn’t worry about the age of your picture, even if it was perfectly accurate today it’s likely to be outdated by tomorrow.. 😉
      (And I overthink EVERYTHING – haven’t found the off switch yet.. if you find out where they keep them, could you let me know?)

  5. Hi and thanks for following my blog!

    You’re a glassworker, and a scientific one at that! Cool! ? Your molecule models are really nice – i believe more people should have their own molecules!

    Have you made any Diamond molecules yet? 3d crystalline structures??

    I am also a fellow over-thinker (and recent brain investigator/author – see blog). You cannot stop thinking – it’s what our brains are meant to do ( Supposedly to keep us out of trouble, but sometimes they get confused and are responsible for us getting into it when we really shouldn’t!!) ?

    The GOOD news is – with practice, you can learn to change your awareness focus onto other things besides what your brain gets stuck on…. mostly useless trivia… and do something clever and useful. Or just relax – meditate maybe?!

    Thanks again!

    LWBUT. ❤

    1. Hello new commenter, welcome to my world 🙂 Sit where you find space, go when you want to be elsewhere.

      I’m glad you like the molecules – I think pretty much everyone should have one… Except I think I should have my own workshop first 🙂 What kind would you like? I haven’t made any diamonds, and the only crystalline structures so far are salt and a couple of small things I can’t pronounce. I’m thinking of making a bucky ball when I get through the current request backlog..

      I’ll go and look at your brain investigations soon – but it’s good to know mine’s at least theoretically supposed to be doing all this thinking 🙂 I’m not at all good at trivia (of the kind board/card games rely on) but also not so good at the clever and useful – I think I’d better learn to relax 🙂

  6. Thank you Jess. 🙂

    I like the sound of a Buckyball glass model and also a Cuboctahedron (Vector Equilibrium) skeletal model – i have made my own VE from meat skewers and cut polyethelene tubing. It is a beautiful structure which comprises of rods which are all exactly the same length. It’s beauty comes from the fact that it can appear as two entirely different and contradictory shapes (square or hexagonal) depending upon which angle you choose to view it from, as well as the fact of it’s simplicity – it is unit length based and contains only 60 degree or 90 degree angles.

    As for our brains, it is my contention that most people let their brains control them more than they control their brain, and the brain will focus on ‘trivial’ stuff, like worrying about things or wishing for stuff we don’t have that we see other people with, or are doing. Or we wonder about things we’ve seen on TV or heard on the news… trivia.

    Instead we could be learning what our brains do and why we do what we do and maybe even how we could do those things better and perhaps how to be happy more? How to focus our attention and improve our memory more, even?

    Or we could do something useful and learn to relax and manage our stress levels better? 🙂

    I think i’ll sleep on that! 😉

    LWBUT (but you can call me Bob)

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