On failure and other misfortunes

(Warning: contains a small amount of blood and a great deal of frustration)


On Sunday I admitted failure. 

I had failed to finish the book in time to send it to the printers before leaving to catch the plane, despite staying up all night to work on it.

I was quite miffed (ok, a lot miffed)..

There’s not a lot of point being miffed if you aren’t in a position to change anything. I decided to look up instead.

On Monday I was so busy looking up, that I didn’t notice the small piece of volcano sticking up in the middle of the otherwise even path.

..and that dear readers, is why looking down isn’t always a bad thing…

Luckily I was equipped with water and tissues and DB had a plaster with him.

Onwards and upwards!

That evening, on the way to get dinner, I missed the step onto the pavement and stubbed the same toe, removing the plaster and the flap of skin I’d created earlier.

Back to the apartment for a new plaster.

I don’t particularly appreciate losing skin, so I gave up on looking up, and decided to look down, and watch what my feet are doing instead. 

That worked well for a day or so – until I went to the toilet while the window was open. And even that was fine until I stood up…

An almighty yell and a lump on my head later, and I was convinced that looking down doesn’t help much either.


I think I’m going to keep my feet up and my head down, and get on with my revision. Maybe I should even look forward to the exams?!

7 thoughts on “On failure and other misfortunes

  1. Well, you made ME laugh so something good came of it all {Wasn’t laughing at your misfortunes but at the way you wrote about them!} Hope toe heals well and head stays where it ought to be in future. Sorry about the book not getting done, that must have been disappointing for you.

    1. Toe’s healing remarkably well – I was able to wear shoes (and therefore drive) again a couple of days before we flew back.. meant DB could finally have a ‘couple’ of drinks with his people 🙂

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