I’m not sure why 1337 is considered a cool number, but WordPress has just congratulated me, so I’m guessing it must be.
I am a bit of a lot bewildered that so many of you luffly people read what I write, and a lot of a lot more amazed that you like it enough to say so (with all your comments as well as “like-stars”).
Thank you.
If I ever finish this stupid essay (and corresponding presentation) I will post something post-y to celebrate you all, in the meantime, it’s almost 13 weeks til my birthday. Approximately 20 weeks ago, I realised it was 30+ weeks to go, but I wanted to wait until it was exactly 30-weeks-to-go, and missed it, and now I’ve pretty much missed 13-weeks-to-go, but that’s probably the way I roll bestest and I suppose I’d miss me if I was less like me…My excuse is that I’m still reeling from the realisation that I really and truely turn 30 this year.
Considering it doesn’t really feel that long ago that I went to an older friend’s 16th birthday party and thought 16 was Very Old, I don’t know how that happened.
I turn 30 this year.
So. I’m looking for 13 (smallish) things to do which will push my boundaries and help me make the most of the last few weeks of being 29 and/or make me a better adult when I get to 30 (since I still don’t feel like one).
Send your ideas this way (baring in mind I work full time and go to school 5 or 6 times a fortnight)
I will consider all suggestions, but I most definitely reserve every right to veto your ideas
1337 means “leet,” or “elite.” We used it all the time when I played Warcraft, so I laughed when I got that notification.
Thank you 
I’m usually good at reading numbers (I chose my number plate to spell my name) but I totally wasn’t looking for leet words in that message :). I must be more wound up with this essay writing lark than I thought…
I don’t need to be thanked for reading your posts Jesska because I always enjoy them! You use a lot of humour and different ways of saying things than I might so they appeal to me. Good luck with that essay and presentation! Hmm…what could I suggest you do to make that 13 number up….Try this: quickly read a scripture or helpful saying and ponder it as you travel to work, that means work out what it might mean to YOU, how you might apply it in your life etc etc. let em know if you try it?!
mmm, eat 13 of your favourite things, one each week, as a mini celebration of your impending birthday.
Compliment 13 people. Or go whole hog and, across the next 13 weeks, try to compliment 30!
*breathes* my word… like, big proper, grown up, personal compliments? Not just, “hey, pretty shoes!”?
It’s funny…when I initially typed my comment, I started with “on something other than appearance!” You got this, Jesska.
How about taking on a really, exceptionally difficult recipe that you have always wanted to try? I have missed you friend, hope all is well with you.
This is awesome, congrats on the likes and your upcoming birthday (unless it has already passed!). Spend your weeks doing whatever you liked most in your 20s…and continue doing them in your 30s
Thank you! (not passed yet – mid November)…. what I liked most? Hmmmmmm… good question – one to think about
thanks for that too 
Happy Birthday….whenever it rolls around. 30 is the same as 20 with a little more experience. You’ll wake up on the BIG DAY and feel just the same as you did the many days before. It is just a number. I’m in my 60’s and feel like I’m in my 30’s….although my body begs to differ with me from time to time
Your essay will get finished…much like your impending big 3-0 day. When each one arrives to completion you will say “Thank God that is OVER”! LOL
Thank you
(it’s not for a while yet though).
I’m not sure about being happy the day’s over, but I am sure that the essay being handed in will have a huge positive effect on my sleep debt!