Here’s to the year 2016.
Let’s hope it’s a good one, not only with plenty of cheer, but also a whole lot of:
- laughter (the ‘with’ kind rather than the ‘at’ kind),
- good conversations with interesting (and interested) people,
- love,
- time for the things that are important to you,
- clothes that fit well, and look good, especially when you’re in a hurry (and/or are prone to those dreaded “fat days” ;)),
- motivation and sticking power to get closer to the best kind of destinations,
- tables that stay empty enough to use for the fun stuff,
- chocolate (fair trade?),
- thankfulness,
- energy,
- partners and family who understand how therapeutic/addictive/necessary writing is,
- generosity,
- hugs (real, as well as virtual),
and, extra present in my mind atm;
- health (good health, both physical and mental ;))
That’s not anywhere near a comprehensive list, but apparently staring at my phone is antisocial so I’m going to stop, for the next few hours anyway ;), and schedule this to go out at midnight.
Happy partying, luffly people!
Please add your wishes (for yourselves, for me, for everyone) in the comments 🙂
Thanks for the good things you wished! May your dreams become reality and bring you joy! May you find delight in the simple and bountiful gifts of nature.May your friends be loyal, and may they value your loyalty enough to share burdens as well as happiness with you. May peace be your guiding star and kindness to others your choice of action. Happy, healthy 2016!
Thank you! And right back atcha! 🙂 Except for the dreams part, I have the strangest dreams, I don’t want them to come true! Unless you mean the ones I work on dreaming while I’m awake.. 🙂
May chocolate be bountiful – and non-fattening. May love be ever present and constant. May the Sun shine even when it is raining. May work be enjoyable and satisfying and your bank account healthy. May 2016 bring you all that you dream, hope and desire and your life be happy, healthy and whole.