Anyone would think that with all this train travel, I’d be able to get something written before crashing out…
…apparently not.
The meeting went on til gone midnight, and once I’d walked back to the hotel I was too knackered to hold my phone for long enough to finish writing and press send.
No sticking power – the youth of today!!
Hope you are rested now – that was a long meeting.
Nope – up early for the official part of the meeting (last night was more informal, to get to know each other better, and to discuss the topics on today’s agenda), train journey across Germany to a friend’s birthday, where I’ve just used a break in conversation to get a Nablopomo post out..
Well, I hope it slows down for you soon, I’m exhausted just reading about it. 🙂
Tomorrow I’m off early to another friend and his family for lunch, then hopefully to yet another for the night, Monday the long train journey back home, Tuesday to another birthday party followed by a doctor’s appointment, and then collapsing in a small heap to sleep for a week! (At least in my wishful thinking…). Wednesday is back to work and ‘real’ life…..
Boy, it just keeps getting more frantic. Take care